Introdução: Entre as opções de reabilitação dentária devido à agenesia, destacam-se as próteses fixas, removíveis e sobre implantes, que...
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Introduction: Among the options for dental rehabilitation due to agenesis, fixed, removable, and implant-supported prostheses stand out, all of which are costly. An alternative treatment for these cases is dental autotransplantation, which aims...
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Objective: This aims of this study was to report two cases of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ), treated with adjuvant therapies and guided surgery with the use of Doxycycline. Case reports: In the Case 1, female patient, 77...
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Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar dois casos de osteonecrose dos maxilares...
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Introduction: Dental autotransplantation consists of removing a tooth from one area and...
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Dear readers, collaborators and members of our surgical community, with sincere gratitude, we begin this editorial that marks not only the closing, but also the celebration of a productive cycle full of achievements. As editors of this journal, I bid farewell to this position with a mixture of nostalgia and optimism. Together, we had the honor of leading a team committed to the excellence of JBCOMS.
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